I am excited to announce that I will be one of the Official Kirito Cosplayers for Aniplex at Sakura Con 2015!
What Does That Mean?
So the production and distribution enterprise company Aniplex (that owns Sword Art Online pretty much) was looking for SAO cosplayers to volunteer represent the company.
Being accepted as volunteer means that I get:
- A free badge into Sakura Con 2015
- VIP passes to meet voice actors (and I am a HUGE fan of English Voice actors!)
- The opportunity to work the Aniplex booth to hand out “swag” and take pictures with fans
- The chance to be apart of the official SAO panels
- and much more…
SAO II Dub Screening
When I signed up, I was most excited for having the chance to definitely get into the SAO II dub screening! I think on the inside I’m still a bit scarred for not being able to get into the SAO II sub premiere at AX 2014!
I love dubbed Anime and enjoy watching SAO dubbed. I loved SAO II’s original Japanese version and watched it every week as it aired and I will definitely be doing the same with the dubbed version as well!
Bryce Papenbrook and Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
I love both the dub and subbed version of SAO. I met Bryce Papenbrook (Kirito’s English VA) at SacAnime but I have yet to meet Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Kirito’s Japanese VA). To be honest, I never thought that I really would ever have the chance to meet him.
Having the chance to meet both my favorite English AND Japanese voice actors has me so excited!
How Did You Get Picked?
Message of Approval!
I was checking the website every day, then it slowed down to every few days, and then to once a week and I eventually just gave up in my head thinking that there was no way that I would be picked.
To my surprise one day, I logged in to see an alert that said
You have been approved as a volunteer for the following event.
Event: Sword Art Online @ Sakuracon 2015
My approval message stating that I had been accepted as an official cosplayer volunteer for Sakura Con 2015.
Hold on, what?!
I could NOT believe that! You wouldn’t believe how excited I was to read that short little message.
Where Can I Find You?
Click here to check out the Sakura Con 2015 Event with more info on where I will be and when at Sakura Con 2015. My schedule will be posted in this event with dates, times, and locations on where I’ll be!
So Excited!
My brother (@nowitsangetime), my friend Ryan (@agenthysteria), and I will be flying to Seattle together from LAX on Thursday night. (My brother and I both have nice bosses that let us take work off on Friday.) We’ll all be rooming together at a hotel close to the convention center and will fly back on Sunday evening!
I seriously can’t wait for this!