Thank you all for your questions! It was a lot of fun making this video. Please comment below and tell me what you thought of the video AND also suggestions for more videos!
This was a Q&A from my Instagram account @andrewblackswordsman.
In the video, I offered a link for a story of how I met @celtyfarron. Here is the story:
(Read: CeltyBlackSwordsman – The Love Story of Two Weebs)
A special thanks to @celtyfarron, @kyndellfire, and @nowitsangetime for helping make this video!
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Hello, everyone! The last Q&A Video was a success so I decided to do another one! Thank you to everyone for taking the time to ask questions. Without you guys, this wouldn’t have been possible. The last Q&A video was around 15min. long and this twice as long at around 30min!
On Instagram, I gave my followers the opportunity to ask me any questions on their mind and I promised to answer every single one in a video! I had a lot of fun doing this so if you guys want me to make...
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Hello, everyone! On Instagram, I gave my followers the opportunity to ask me any questions on their mind and I promised to answer every single one in a video! I had a lot of fun doing this so if you guys want me to make more videos in the future, I would be glad to!
Let me know what you thought of this in the comments and if you want different types of videos, let me know! Thank you everyone.
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