I recently made a Video Review of the Kirito Ordinal Scale Cosplay by EZ Cosplay.
I personally really liked this cosplay!
You can watch my brief review of the cosplay below:
Here is the link to where you can buy this cosplay.
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So for those of you that didn’t know, Sword Art Online’s movie Ordinal Scale premiered in the US on Wednesday March 1st at a special red carpet event in Hollywood at the Egyptian Theatre.
I was lucky enough to be the official Kirito cosplayer for the event and I had a ton of fun.
Especially for those of you that weren’t there, I’ll do my best to explain my experience at the event!
You can watch the video below:
If you prefer reading, then continue reading!
So before the...
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Anime Los Angeles (ALA) 2017 was amazing!
You can check out my Wrap Up/Con Vlog video for all the details below:
If you prefer to read, then keep reading!
Day 1
Loving ALA! A post shared by Kirito Cosplayer - SAO (@andrewblackswordsman) on Jan 27, 2017 at 3:32pm PST
So the night of Day 0 was extremely windy. The noises from the wind combined with my excitement made it really hard to sleep!
Before going to the con, I met up with Josh Cruz to do a new photoshoot for my Early ALO...
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I recently bought the "Night Sky Sword" Cosplay prop from Dreams2Reality on Amazon and did an unboxing video!
This prop is based on the Sword that Kirito uses in the Underworld/Alicizaton Arc (SAO Season 3).
Check it out the video below!
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I went to Anime Impulse for the first time this year! To be honest, I had never really heard of it somehow.
I only went for one day, but I had a great time!
You can check out the Wrap Up video below or keep reading if you want even more details or prefer reading.
Last Minute Decision
@CeltyFarron and I were not originally going to make it to Anime Impulse. We originally were going to be working at the Yuki Kajiura Concert but it was cancelled, so it freed up the weekend for us!
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Anime Expo 2016 (AX 2016) was amazing! I would say that this con has been my absolute favorite one that I have ever attended!
You have two options, you can either watch video version of my wrap up with included vlogging footage and pictures, or read my more detailed write up. Both are below! (Why not both??)
Day 0
Ordinal Scale Cosplay + Food
@Celtyfarron and I (mostly her!) had made cosplays for the newest variations of Kirito and Asuna back in March for Sakura Con 2016. They were made...
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Thank you all for your questions! It was a lot of fun making this video. Please comment below and tell me what you thought of the video AND also suggestions for more videos!
This was a Q&A from my Instagram account @andrewblackswordsman.
In the video, I offered a link for a story of how I met @celtyfarron. Here is the story:
(Read: CeltyBlackSwordsman – The Love Story of Two Weebs)
A special thanks to @celtyfarron, @kyndellfire, and @nowitsangetime for helping make this video!
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In this video, I talk about my experience during my New ALO Photoshoot with my photographer friends Jyuung and Tony!
View all of the images here in my "New ALO - In the Mountains 2014" set.
Jyuung’s Photog FB Page “Juntsu Photography“:
Tony‘s FB:
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Hello everyone! I have been promising to come out with this video the past few months so I apologize that it took so long for me to release this!
This won’t be a review of Blizzcon 2014 but rather just a video of me talking about the experience!
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So my friend @kotomihatsu worked on a Sachi fandub and I had the pleasure of being apart of it! Check it out in the video below!
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